See James Patton for more information
Source: ID: 10675
Source: ID: 12083
The Hart Family
"History Oglethorpe" by Smith NC Marrage ond: Wake Co.,
"Early Records of GA." by Davidson Patton,Reid, Godwin
Bible in Possession fo E.B. Godwin in Gainesville, FL.
Administration of Estate Sept. 9, 1783 Wilkes Co., GA.
Land Granr - Wilkes Co., GA. November 1773
ID: I784
Name: Jacob PATTON
RFN: 784
Change Date: 7 JAN 1998
Sex: M
ATTR: RevWar
Birth: EST 1720 in Ireland
Death: SEP 1783 in Wilkes Co., GA
It is known he was in Chowan Co., NC before the Revolution, and
settled in Wilkes Co., GA, after it was ceded by the Indians in
on a grant on Pistol Creek on Trading Path five miles from the
River. His brother (possibly Matthew of Wilkes Co.) applied for
grant on Jacob's behalf. The area later became part of Lincoln
Jacob died intestate, leaving his widow, Jane, and seven
daughters. It
is apparent Jacob performed Revolutionary service, as Jane
compensation as a Revolutionary widow. She increased the family
holdings to 300 acres before she moved to Clarke Co., GA, to live
a married daughter not long before her death. Daughters were
[BO:Margaret:BO], Mary, Susannah, Elizabeth, Phoebe and one
Marriage 1 Mary COOPER b: 1758
Married: 1780
Change Date: 27 MAY 1994
Marriage 2 Jane PICKERELL b: EST 1725
Margaret PATTON b: EST 1746 in NC
ID: I183
Name: Jacob Patton 1
Sex: M
Note: Note: Jacob PATTON ABT 1720 - 1778 DEATH: 1778, Wilkes Co,
GA Family1 : Jane >MARRIAGE: ABT 1743 1.+Sarah PATTON [14633]
JacobPatton, born probably in the 1720's, was a brother of
MatthewPatton. They were together in Augusta County, Va., in
1753, andin Johnson County and Wake County, North Carolina, from
ca.1761 until ca. 1773/1775 when Jacob and his wife Jane andseven
daughters moved to Northeast Georgia to the cededCherokee and
Creek Indian lands that became Wilkes County,Ga., in 1777. Jacob
Patton died in Wilkes County, Ga., prior toJuly 30, 1778. See
Grace Gilliam Davidson, Early Records ofGeorgia, Vol. II
(Vidalia, Ga., Pub. by Rev. Silas EmmettLucas, Jr., 1932; reprint
1968) p. 272; also Jacob's Land Grantapplication in the article,
"Matthew Patton"; Wilkes County,Ga., Court Minutes,
Nov. 1, 1778, Elisha C. Smart vs JanePatton. Jane Patton, widow
of Jacob, died in Clarke County,Ga., after March 1812, date of
her will, and prior to Sept. 29,1814, date when her will was
exhibited in court, ordered to berecorded, and Letters
Testamentary with a copy of the willannexed granted to Thomas
Hill, the executor named in the will.As previously mentioned,
Jacob Patton and Jane, his wife, hadseven daughters, all of whom
were born prior to 1773, the datewhen he applied for a land grant
in Georgia. In Augusta County,Va., where Jacob Patton and his
brother Matthew lived in the1740's and the 1750's, another Jacob
Patton was also thereduring that time. In fact, the other Jacob
Patton died priorto March 21, 1754, the date when his daughter
Susanna Pattonwas appointed by the court as his administratrix.
See F. B.Kegley, Virginia Frontier 1740-1783 (Southwest Va.
HistoricalSociety, Roanoke, Va. 1938) p. 176; and Augusta County,
Va.,Will Bk 2, 1753-1760, p. 100. For this reason, records
inAugusta County, Va., prior to March 1754 in the name of aJacob
Patton are difficult to assign. The Jacob Patton who diedprior to
March 1754 might have been the father of Matthew andJacob
('s). In Augusta Co., Va., the Jacob Pattonwho, on Dec.
17, 1753, witnessed Matthew's grantee deed for266 acres on Craigs
Creek, was probably Matthew's brother. SeeAugusta Co., Va., Deed
Bk 6, 1754-1655, pp. 152, 154. JacobPatton bought land from Col.
James Patton at about the sametime Matthew bought land. After
Col. James Patton was killedby Indians in July 1755, appraisers
of his estate listedapproximately 105 "Bonds, bills,
etc.,due Col. James Patton'sestate for land purchased." See
Kegley, Virginia Frontier, p.89, 90. In this list of debtors are
Mathew Patton, 17 Dec1753; Jacob Patton and Peter Tarr, 18 Dec.
1753; Mathew andJacob Patton, 17 Dec. 1753; John Stedham, Jacob
Patton, GeorgePeter Tarr, 19 Dec. 1753; Jacob Patton, no date. A
few yearsafter having signed those bonds in Augusta County, Va.,
JacobPatton moved to Johnson County, North Carolina, where, in
April1759, he had already served a while as a constable. On
thelast Tuesday in April 1759, the Johnson County court
"orderedthat Joshua Suggs serve as constable in the room of
JacobPattent (sic)." Then, fifteen months later in July
1760, JohnSims was ordered to serve as overseer of the highways
in theroom of Jacob Patten (sic). See Wynette Parks Haun,
JohnsonCounty Court Minutes, 1759-1766, p. 2, 35. Jacob Patton's
landgrant from the State of North Carolina was recorded in
JohnsonCounty as follows: Date Grantee Vol. Page Grantor 1761
JacobPatent 14 240 State of No. Car. G-RAL #60, 473 acres South
sideCrabtree Creek 1765 Jacob Patent, Transcript Bk 1 110 State
ofNo. Car. Grant. 473 acres- D-1, 1767-1769 "This indenture
wasentered into this 13th day of January 1761 between the Rt.Hon.
Earl Granville of the Kingdom of Great Britain of the onepart and
Jacob Patent of Johnson County of the other
part...inconsideration of ten shillings sterling Money to the
said EarlGranville in hand paid by the said Jacob Patent . . .
the saidEarl doth hereby give and by these presents give to the
saidJacob Patent...all that tract or parcel of vacant land lying
inthe said County on the south side of Crabtree on
abranch...called Buffalo joining Col. Halton's and JudgeSmith's
line, beginning at a White oak on Haltom's line runningnorth 320
poles to a pine, then E. 312 poles to a pine on saidSmith's line,
then with Smith's line 30 East, 120 poles to ahickory thence to
the first, in all 473 acres...paying rent of18 shillings on March
25 and Sept. 29 every year." WilliamLucas Granville (Seal)
James Monfort by Thomas Child When WakeCounty was formed from
Johnson County in 1771, Jacob's civicservices continued as usual.
For example, Jacob worked on roadsin Johnson County in 1763,
1764, and 1766; he worked on roadsin Wake County in 1771 and
1772. In Johnson County in April1763 he was appointed overseer of
a road; in the new WakeCounty in July 1771, he was appointed to
continue as overseer.In September 1772 Joel Lane was appointed
overseer of the roadin room of Jacob Pattern (sic) and to have
the same hands.Jacob helped to lay off new roads, open and
maintain roads inJohnson County and Wake County by court orders
on thefollowing dates July 1763; January, April, and October
1764;January 1766, and September 1771. See Haun, Johnson
CountyCourt Minute Book 1759-1766, pp. 149, 157, 170, 174, 180,
183,199, 249; Haun, Wake County Court Minutes 1771-1776, Book
A-1,pp. 3, 16, 18, 37. In Johnson County, Jacob Patton served
onone jury in April 1763, on a grand jury in July 1765, and
apetit jury in October 1765 (Haun, Johnson County, CourtMinutes
Book 1759-1766, Bk I, pp. 148, 22C, 227). In WakeCounty he served
on two grand juries, one in Dec. 1771 andanother in March 1772.
He was on one jury for a case in August1772 (Haun, Wake County,
Court Minute Book 1771-1776, Book A-1,pp. 134, 27, 39). In
January 1765 and October 1765 the JohnsonCounty Court granted
Jacob Patton a license to keep anordinary (tavern) after he gave
a bond with sufficientsecurity. Then, in September 1771 in Wake
County he was againgranted a license to keep a tavern (Haun,
Johnson County Court,Book 1, pp. 206, 246; Wake County, Min. Bk
1771-1776, p. 13).In Johnson County in April 1765 when Jacob
Patton sued ThomasPrice, "Joseph Hancock came into court
(being summoned asguarnishie (sic) and declared that he had in
his hands propertyof the defendant, one saddle." (Haun,
Johnson County CourtMinute Book 1759-1766, Book I, p. 215.) In
Wake County in June1771, Jacob Patton recorded his cattle mark
(Haun, Wake County,Min. Bk. 1771-1776, Bk A-1, p. 4.) The last
two times JacobPatton's name occurred in Wake County records were
September1774 and September 1775. These indicate the approximate
timewhen Jacob moved from Wake County, N. C., to Wilkes
County,Georgia. First, in the Inferior Court of Pleas and
QuarterSessions, Wake County, on Sept. 6, 1774, "a deed from
JacobPatton to James Martin was in open court duly proved by
theoath of Thomas Haughton, a subscribing witness thereto
andordered to be registered." (Haun, Wake County, Min.
Bk.1771-1776, Bk A-1, pp. 69,73 .) One year later, on Sept.
5,1775, the processioners returned the following report to
thecourt: "James Martin, 473 acres on both sides of
BuffelowBranch being the land whereon Jacob Patton and Joseph
Wiseformally (sic) dwelt in Wake County. John Giles Thomas and
JohnBrewer were present. (Haun, Wake County, Min. Bk.
1771-1776,Bk A-1, pp. 112-116.) Jacob Patton, with his wife Jane,
sevendaughters, and six Negroes, went to northeast Georgia,
wherein 1773 his brother had applied for a land grant in
Jacob'sname in the ceded Indian lands that became Wilkes County
in1777. Jacob's 100 acres were at Pistol Creek upon the
tradingpath, five miles from the river. The conditions of the
grantprovided for payment of two pounds and for
immediatesettlement. See the article "Matthew Patton'' for
furtherdetails about Jacob's grant in Georgia. Jacob Patton seems
tohave been living in Wilkes County, Ga. during the first partof
the Revolutionary War and died there prior to July 30, 1778.On
that date Jane Patton, widow, was summoned to appear atWilkes
County Court the first Monday in November 1778 as adefendant who
was indebted to Elisha C. Smart for 61 pds, itbeing part of a
crop said Smart had made with said Jane. SeeGrace Gilliam
Davidson, Early Records of Georgia, Vol. II(Vidalia, Ga.,
Published by the Rev. Silas Emmett Lucas, Jr,1932, reprint 1968)
p. 272; and Wilkes Co., Ga., Minutes ofCourt of Ordinary, Nov. 1,
1778. In Wilkes County, Ga., JanePatton, widow of Jacob Patton
deceased was appointedadministratrix of his estate on Sept. 9,
1783 (Davidson, EarlyRecords of Ga., Vol. I, p. 30). The delay in
administeringJacob's estate probably was due to unsettled
conditions duringthe War. Jane (Jean, Jaine) Patton, widow, was a
taxpayer inWilkes County as follows (from Davidson, Early Records
ofGeorgia, Vol. II, p. 35. She cites Wilkes County Book of
MixedRecords, Wills, Administrations and Deeds, 1777-1778,
folio(page) 32) : 1785. 2 polls, 4 slaves, 300 acres in
WilkesCounty 1787. 2 Negroes, 400 acres, #3 quality land
(TaxDigest, LDS 159194) 1793. 2 Negroes, 400 acres, #3 land,
MacksCreek joining Joseph Wise, Sanders' District, taxpayer
#65(LDS 159194) Jane Patton was a taxpayer in Oglethorpe
County.(LDS 177698) 1795. 2 Negroes, 100 acres joining Joseph
Wise,Sanders' Dist., Taxpayer #70 1796. 3 Negroes, 100 acres
joiningJoe Wise, Hudspeth's Dist., Taxpayer #50 1797. 100
acres,Taxpayer #59 1799. 100 acres on Macks Creek joining
JosephWise, Taxpayer #73 Jane Patton, widow, was a taxpayer in
ClarkeCounty, Ga. (LDS 214559) 1802. 4 Negroes, Reynolds'
Dist.1803. 4 Negroes, Runnels' Dist. 1804. 4 Negroes,
Runnels'Dist. 1805. Thomas Hill for Jane Patton, widow, 4
Negroes,Reynolds' Dist. 1807. Thomas Hill, Trustee for Jane
Patton,widow, 7 Negroes, Silman's Dist. 1808. Thomas Hill,
Trusteefor Jane Patton, widow, 5 Negroes 1809. Jane Patton, 6
Negroes,165 acres on Oconee, joins Academy land, Prophet's Dist.
1810.Thomas Hill for Jane Patton, widow, Prophets Dist. 1811.
JanePatton, widow, 165 acres, Hane's Dist. The Index to
LandGrants, Book OOO, p. 159, dated 1787, shows a grant of 300
acreson Mack's Creek in Wilkes County to Jane Patton. In
OglethorpeCounty, Jane (Jean) Patton recorded one grantee deed
and twograntor deeds. On Feb. 27, 1796, Joseph Wise and his
wifeMargaret (Patton) executed a deed to Jean Patton for 100
acreson Macks Creek. On March 11, 1798, Jean Patton executed a
deedto Joseph Johnson for 300 acres on Macks Creek. Then, on
Sept.18, 1798, Jane Patton executed a deed to William Wayne for
100acres on Max Creek (Oglethorpe Co., Superior Court
FilingDocket & Gen. Index to Deeds & Realty Mortgages, Bk
A, p. 275and Book C, pp. 293, 539). In Oglethorpe County on Nov.
28,1798, when Joseph Johnson sued Jaine Patton for debt,
MatthewMoore and George Barber went into court and entered
themselvesspecial bail in the case. Judgment was in favor of
Jane. Then,on June 28, 1799, when Jane Patton sued Joseph Johnson
fordebt, the matters in this dispute were left to arbitrators
whoawarded Jane $98.77 and costs (Oglethorpe Co. Inferior
CourtMinute Bk 1798, pp. 98, 99, 105, 107; LDS Film 158740).
TheClarke County, Ga., General Index to Deeds, Superior
CourtOffice, Deed Book D, p. 146B, shows that Jane Patton
boughtland from Joel Lane (or Love) by a deed dated Nov. 23,
1808.On Jan. 14, 1808, Jane Patton executed a deed of gift for
aNegro girl Matilda to her granddaughter, Prudence Hill
(ClarkeCounty, Ga., Deed Book B. p. 7; LDS Film 214586). On Dec.
1814,the "estate of Jane Patton by Executor John Hodge"
executed adeed to ?, which deed was not recorded until June 2,
1818, inDeed Book L, p. 25. Jane Patton's will, dated March 4,
1812,was proved in Clarke County in 1814. She bequeathed to
SherrodWise her Negro girl Joice; to Margaret Wise, wife of
JosephWise, her Negro boy Hiram; to her grandchildren, children
ofBasil Lamar $5 to be equally divided between them; to
herdaughter Susannah Oldham as her full share $5; to
herson-in-law Benjamin Hill $5; to her son-in-law Sherrod Wise
andher daughter Margaret Wise and son-in-law Thomas Hill the
moneyfrom the sale of her land. She set free her faithful
Negrowoman Esther. She appointed Thomas Hill her executor. The
wivesof the men listed in Jane's will were nieces of Matthew
Pattonand first cousins of Samuel Patton(Sr) , Thomas
Patton,Solomon Patton, and Rebecca (Patton)
Change Date: 13 JAN 2000
Father: Jacob Patton
Mother: Jennett
Text: Query (The Va. Gene. Vol. 33.2)