Hays, Texas 1850 Federal Census Page 242 Line
12 List S.B. Patton as 63 years of age from SC. if he was 63 in
1850 then he should have been born in 1787 Lois Peschel
Hays County 1850 Census
Name, Age, Occupation, Birthplace
Patton, S. B., 63 Carpenter, South Carolina
Patton, B. F., 14, Texas
Patton, Charles A., 10, Texas
Patton, Victoria, 8, Texas
Marcos REEL NO: M432-911 PAGE NO: 242
REFERENCE: Enumerated on the 29th day of Aug. 1850 by Henry H.
10 20 20 Patton Charles A. 10 M Texas X
11 20 20 Deas Gordon 33 M Farmer 300 South Carolina X
12 20 20 Patton S. B. 63 M Carpenter South Carolina
13 20 20 Patton B. F. 14 M Texas X
14 20 20 Patton Victoria 8 F Texas X
The Thielen-Carlson Family
ID: I4487
Name: Samuel Boyd PATTON
Sex: M
Marriage 1 Sara D. STEPHENSON
Columbus Pickens PATTON b: 5 DEC 1821 in Jonesboro, AL
Jamea Madison PATTON
Mooney/Favor Family Tree
ID: I1086
Name: Samuel Boyd Patton 1
Sex: M
Birth: WFT Est. 1763-1797 in Mecklenburg Co., NC 1
Death: WFT Est. 1824-1881 1
Mother: Ann UnknownMaidenName b: WFT Est. 1712-1772
Marriage 1 Sallie Stevenson b: WFT Est. 1772-1798
Married: 31 JAN 1809 in Davidson Co., TN 1
Pickens Patton b: 5 DEC 1821 in Jonesboro, Jefferson, AL
Title: World Family Tree Vol. 12, Ed. 1
Author: Brøderbund Software, Inc.
Publication: Release date: July 28, 1997
Note: Customer pedigree.
Call Number:
Media: Family Archive CD
Page: Tree #3030
Text: Date of Import: Feb 19, 1998
The Texas Historical Association, 1997
CURRY'S CREEK SETTLEMENT. Curry's (Currie's) Creek Settlement,
three miles west of the site of present Kendalia in east Kendall
County, was named for an early settler. It consisted of a number
of homesteads along a five-mile stretch of Curry Creek. The
settlement was founded about 1847 when Samuel B. Patton
established a homestead on the site. Patton later became the
first county junde of Blanco County. Early settlers included
Judge William Jones, who established a sawmill on Curry Creek in
1850. John S. Hodges build a saw and grist mill. Parson Daniel
Rawls, one of the Old Three Hundred, built the first cotton gin
in the county in 1853. Another early settler by the name of
Robinson built a gristmill that also served as the location for a
Masonic lodge chartered in 1858. The charter was moved to Blanco
a year later. By the late 1850s Curry's Creek settlement
comprised more than 100 residents, supported by a farming and
ranching economy, George Wilkins Kendall introduced sheep
ranching in the area in the 1850s. A local post office opened in
1863 but was closed in 1900; postal records had been transferred
to nearby Kendalia in 1895. The population of Curry's Creek
Settlement began to decline in 1880. Kendalia held a centennial
celebration for the founding og the settlement in 1974. by the
1980s a few graves and remnants of homesteads were the only
remaning signs of Curry's Creek Settlement
BIBLIOGRAPHY: Kendall County Historical Committee, Kendall County
Scrapbook (Kendalia, Texas, Public Library). Kathleen E. and
Clifton R. St.Clair, eds., Little Towns of Texas (Jacksonville,
Texas: Joyroe Graphic Arts, 1982).
Kerr County History 1856-1976 By Clara Watkins
Page 56....S.B. Patton served as Chief Justice of the County
Commisioners Court 1867-69.
Page 58.... 1868 S. B. Patton was presiding judge of
Commissioners Court
Page 150....The last indian raid was in 1857. A man named spence
Goss was injured but exca;ed the raid. "After traveling
several days in this manner (using a forked stick) he was found
one day, sitting down, leaning against a tree by Judge S. B.
Patton of Kerrville, who was out on a bear hunt. Patton helped
the wounded man to get to the camp of a man named Miller, eight
miles above Kerrville."
LarkinDodgeRoberts descendents,ancestors ,cousins
ID: I2831
Name: Samuel Boyd Patton
Sex: M
Birth: 15 AUG 1784 in South Carolina
Death: 19 MAR 1869 in Currys Creek, Kendall Co, Texas
Marriage 1 Elizabeth Deas
Benjamin Franklin Patton b: 15 AUG 1837 in Texas
Charles A. Patton b: 1839
Helen Victoria Patton b: 10 MAR 1843
The Clarks of Otter Creek and Related Families
ID: I06018
Name: Samuel PATTON
Sex: M
Reference Number: CLRK6025
Father: Samuel PATTON
Mother: Ann UNKNOWN b: BEF. 1825
Herbst-Patton Cemetery is located on Peter Lux property on Curry
Creek, Kendall County, Texas.
Patton, Samuel B. b. 15 Aug 1784 d. 19 Mar 1869
Be Sure to look at the Hays Census Records for 1850 for age of
Samuel B. Patton
Patton, S. B., 63 Carpenter, South Carolina
Patton, B. F., 14, Texas
Patton, Charles A., 10, Texas
Patton, Victoria, 8, Texas
picture not available SAMUEL PATTON GRAVE under an oak tree near
Curry Creek on the Roland Lux family ranch HISTORY The official
dedication of Samuel Boyd Patton s grave as a stat
Monitor page: URL: http://www.boerne.lib.tx.us/patton.htm
HISTORY:The official dedication of Samuel Boyd Patton's grave as
a state historical marker took place on Sunday, 22 Sept. 1996
near the early settlers grave in Kendalia, about 2.8 miles west
of the town on FM 3351.
Patton, born in South Carolina in 1787, was a captain in a
Tennessee unit that fought in the War of 1812 before moving to
Alabama where he served as a court clerk, judge and state
After his son James Madison Patton came to Texas to fight in the
war for independence from Mexico, Samuel Patton moved to Bastrop
County in 1837. He was appointed president of the land
commissioners by Sam Houston and then served in the Texas
He later settled in Red River County before moving to Curry Creek
in Comal County in 1855. It was there that Patton helped form
Blanco County and served as the new county's chief justice,
today's equivalent of county judge. In 1862 his homestead became
part of the Kendall County and Patton served as the county's
chief justice from then until his death in 1869.
Patton's grave lies under an oak tree near Curry Creek on the
Roland Lux family ranch, where he settled after coming to Texas
in 1837 and spending a brief period near Bastrop.
Patton was married twice and had 17 children. The history of
Samuel Boyd Patton was traced by his great-great-great grandson
James M. White and his wife, Annetta of Austin, who refurbished
Patton's grave by adding a headstone and fence.
Source: Articles from Hill Country Recorder, Oct 2, 1996, and San
Express News, Sept 21, 1996. Boerne Public Library files- August,
TX Kendall vanished community 294712N
0984253W The highway sign says Curry Creek, the map says Curry's
Creek and many oldtimers say that its Currie's Creek. Nothing is
known of the man it was named after and there is a legend that he
drowned in the creek bearing his name. The community, 3 miles
South of Kendalia, was settled in 1850 when Judge William E.
Jones established a sawmill along the creek. While Boerne was
still a small hamlet, Curry's Creek was florishing with a
population of 100 or more. Men who helped to shape Texas history
lived here. Judge Samuel B. Patton moved here in 1847 when the
area was still in Blanco County. He became its first County Judge
in 1858. He is buried on his old property and his grave site is a
Recorded Texas Historical landmark. The Lawhon brothers, Jesse
and John, came with Judge Jones, who himself had a colorful
career in San Antonio. Jesse was overseer for the Judge and was
killed by Indians in 1855. John settled here, became a rancher
and farmer and his descendants are still in the area. Jesse L.
McCrocklin was in the Battle of San Jacinto and the Somervell
Expedition and was given a large land grant for his military
service. Parson Daniel Rawls of Austin's "Old 300"
brought 50 slaves here and settled on the creek that bears his
name. He built the first cotton gin in the county and organized
the Methodist Church in Blanco County. Captain John Sansom, a
famous Texas Ranger lived here. George Wilkins Kendall, whom
Kendall County is named after, lived here at one time. Still
standing is the house with a slot in the door for letters, which
was the Curry Creek Post Office, on land now owned by the Herrin
family. USGS &
Bettie Edmonds